Mika Oka
May 26, 2023


You're absolutely right in acknowledging that everyone needs encouragement along their journey. By sharing your own experiences and offering words of support and encouragement, you're creating a positive ripple effect that can inspire and uplift others who may be facing similar challenges.

It's not always easy to filter out the noise and negative voices, but focusing on your own growth, learning, and personal fulfillment will lead you on the right path. Surround yourself with people who believe in your abilities and dreams, and remember that your journey is unique and valid.

Keep sharing your voice, Quinn, and continue to support and encourage others. Together, we can create a community that uplifts and empowers one another.



Mika Oka

Sharing her unique perspective on the world as a hearing-impaired autistic person with bipolar disorder despite the challenges. emikaoka.wordpress.com/home/