My Interpretative Reflection: Souichi’s Convenient Curse

Caution: Contains elements of horror that may be unsettling for some readers

Mika Oka


Souichi’s actions with the katashiro represent a metaphor for the abuse of power. As he gains the ability to control and manipulate others through these effigies, he becomes increasingly reckless and sadistic in his behavior. This mirrors real-world situations where individuals in positions of authority or influence may misuse their power, causing harm and suffering to those they target. The consequences of Souichi’s actions serve as a warning about the potential fallout when power is wielded without responsibility.

Read Itou Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection — Vol.6 Chapter 1: Souichi S Selfish Curse | MangaBuddy
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Souichi’s need to demonstrate his perceived superiority to his classmates reflects the human desire for attention and acceptance within a group. His mischievous acts and manipulation stem from a desire to be admired or feared by his peers. This commentary highlights the lengths some people may go to in their quest for recognition and dominance, even if it means resorting to harmful actions.

Souichi’s behavior sets him apart from his classmates, leading to feelings of isolation. His attempts to assert his individuality by showcasing his supposed powers ultimately alienate him from others. This raises questions about the tension between embracing one’s uniqueness and conforming to social norms. Souichi’s extreme actions serve as a cautionary tale about the consequences of pushing too far against the boundaries of conformity.

In summary, Souichi’s story serves as a commentary on the abuse of power, the quest for attention and dominance, the balance between individuality and conformity. It illustrates how unchecked desires and actions can lead to isolation, harm, and even tragedy, both on an individual and societal level.

Souichi’s Convenient Curse

Souichi uses a katashiro to torture his classmate Ooya, sticking pins into its stomach so that Ooya collapses with stomach pain and is taken to hospital.

Katashiro refers to a type of effigy or representation in Japanese folklore and occult practices. It is typically a human-shaped doll or figurine made from various materials such as paper, straw, or fabric. Katashiro is often used in rituals, spells, or curses to symbolically represent a person or target, allowing the practitioner to focus their intentions or actions on that individual.

In the context of the story, Souichi utilizes katashiro to carry out his mischievous and sometimes malicious acts. By inflicting harm or manipulation on the doll, he believes that the corresponding effects will befall the person it represents.

While Souichi revels in his actions, the rest of the class engages in hushed gossip, unaware of his true intentions. Amused by his perceived power, Souichi chuckles to himself, blissfully unaware that two girls merely find him peculiar rather than admirable. Exploiting his abilities, he manipulates two unsuspecting boys into a heated confrontation, causing them to turn against each other.

Paradoxically, Souichi insisted that beneath his mischievous façade lies a kind-hearted nature, which he seeks to demonstrate by rescuing a toad and adopting it as his pet.

Back at home, Souichi proudly boasts about his newfound abilities to his family, sparking arguments with his brother Kouichi. Taking advantage of his pet toad, he uses it to frighten their sister Sayuri. Inspired by the concept of animal hibernation, Souichi gets a mischievous idea. He buries a figure, known as a katashiro, in a nearby park to symbolize one of his classmates.

To his horror, the classmate mysteriously vanishes and is later discovered buried in the ground. The park’s owner becomes increasingly infuriated by the damage caused to his trees by Souichi’s nail-filled antics and vows to apprehend the responsible party.

Despite his continued torment of his siblings and classmates using various methods, Souichi’s schemes backfire when he devises a plan to frighten a fellow classmate with a menacing giant spider costume. Climbing a tree in his elaborate disguise, Souichi finds himself ensnared in a trap set by the owner of the parkland.

As the man brandishes an axe, ready to confront Souichi, his older brother Kouichi comes to the rescue. Kouichi intervenes by highlighting the illegality of setting traps, forcing the man to release the trapped boys.

Kouichi then drags Souichi back home, where Souichi is devastated to discover that his beloved toad has tragically perished. The toad’s untimely demise resulted from Souichi’s unwitting act of sealing it in a box without providing any ventilation.

  • This story was previously published, but it has been rewritten and republished to include an interpretative reflection on underlying social commentary. Readers are invited to share their personal interpretations as responses.

I’m just a humble fan who loves all things Japanese and hopes to bring a little bit of that love to you. Arigatou gozaimasu!

*This story contains affiliate links


伊藤潤二『双一の勝手な呪い』徹底考察【ネタバレ解説】 | えむ異談 (mnb-y.com)
【伊藤潤二】双一の勝手な呪い|これぞホラーギャグ漫画の真髄! (hopitton148.com)
双一 (そういち)とは【ピクシブ百科事典】 (pixiv.net)
伊藤潤二傑作集 (3) 双一の勝手な呪い — マンバ (manba.co.jp)
Souichi’s Convenient Curse | Junji Ito Wiki | Fandom

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Mika Oka

Sharing her unique perspective on the world as a hearing-impaired autistic person with bipolar disorder despite the challenges. emikaoka.wordpress.com/home/