Can Android Falls In Love?

Mika Oka


I’m watching Are you human? 2018 Korean drama with willing suspension of disbelief. The drama tells of an android called Nam Shin III who must pretend to be the son of a rich family when the real Nam Shin falls into a coma. Nam Shin’s mother, Oh Ro Ra, is a genius on brain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) so when her son, the real Nam Shin, is taken away from her at a young age, in her grief she creates an android that looks exactly like her son and has it grow up in the place of Nam Shin. But when Nam Shin, who is a third generation heir to PK group, gets in an accident and is comatose, the android Nam Shin III must learn how to take his place.

· What is AI?
· Robots In Our Daily Lives
· Android in Science Fictions
· AI as Companions
· Android’s Love Story

Image from Han Cinema

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What is AI?

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The advent of technology has brought about many positive changes to the way we live our lives, from easier methods of communication to ubiquitous access to information. One of the most promising technological advancements, though, is the rise of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). These two fields are quickly working together to make some of our most tedious tasks both more convenient and more safe.

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which is a term used to describe various robotic technologies. Artificial intelligence focuses on combining machines and computers with human intelligence to operate systems or perform tasks that normally require human intellect. However, AI isn’t quite as convenient as real people — yet. But new robot technologies are quickly making their way into homes around the world.

Like any complex technology, AI isn’t inherently good or bad. When you look at other technological innovations over time, like cell phones or computers, it’s hard to pinpoint when they entered our lives as must-haves. But most people would agree that AI is a very different case. They see it as something that will disrupt society — and even replace us — rather than simply augment us like any other piece of tech.

According to Google, AI is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans do. AI has been taking on more complex roles in recent years as technology has improved. Machines are now being used to make critical decisions, provide information, and give users advice. While some say that AI will revolutionize how we live, others are afraid of a robot takeover — and it’s easy to see why.

The process of a computer making its own decisions based on experience. It is different from regular programming, in which computers are told exactly what to do and how to do it. With machine learning, computers sift through data to learn patterns and make decisions without being explicitly programmed. Humans can tell computers what to look for, but then it’s up to them! From there, machines teach themselves about more and more complex concepts.

Many experts agree that an Artificial Intelligence-powered future is just around the corner, with automation and its various implementations in our lives making our daily routines much more convenient. But what exactly will an AI-powered world look like? How might everyday life change when you live in a highly automated society?

Robots In Our Daily Lives

Photo by Owen Beard on Unsplash

As technology continues to grow, more advances in artificial intelligence (AI) will enable android not only to interact with humans but even help in everyday tasks. Artificial intelligence will be able to perform many human tasks in much more convenient ways. While people may be worried about losing their jobs, AI can help make our lives easier. Businesses that seek to leverage AI for their own growth will see a similar (if not greater) increase in efficiency, as robots can do everything from customer service and accounting to data entry and research. Technology has already changed so many parts of society.

To many housekeeping is a dirty job , but it’s one that needs to get done and theoretically, robots can accomplish almost any task a human could, which means we may eventually rely on artificial intelligence for everything from babysitting our children to going on vacation with us. We can even say goodbye to cooking (robots will cook), housekeeping (robots will clean) and so much more. It’s also something that’s typically done by human housekeepers — but robots may not be far behind.

You wouldn’t need a housekeeper if you lived in a house that was always clean, so why would you want one once we live in houses that clean themselves? Roombas were an early harbinger of robotic companionship. But your home won’t just keep itself tidy — it will also help you organize it. And it can remind you when you forget things or schedule appointments, or even record events like parties (and text your friends asking them where they are).

The researchers suggest in their paper that within fifty years, robots will become a normal part of everyday life. But rather than take jobs from humans, they’ll play an important role in society. They’ll walk our dogs, care for us as we age and help us get back on our feet after injury or surgery.

However, relying too much on robots might limit our skillsets, causing us to forget how to complete simple tasks that would normally have been in our purview as humans.

Android in Science Fictions

Photo by Lyman Hansel Gerona on Unsplash

Android have been fixtures of science fiction for decades, both as protagonists and antagonists as stand-ins for humans, with some (perhaps) taking these depictions literally. The appeal is simple: Robots are another manifestation of our human fascination with artificial intelligence and advanced technologies that may one day exceed us in some way. We fear them, but we also love them because they’re a testament to human ingenuity and capacity to build machines that can simulate life.

After all, it would seem natural that human beings — with an innate desire to connect with other living creatures — would want a pet or friend of their own. As technology advances, though, many roboticists believe that android could very well become more than just artificial friends — they might just become our companions.

AI as Companions

Photo by Xu Haiwei on Unsplash

The human-android relationship is a complex one, with many unknowns. The interactions we see between robots and humans today are often awkward, with robots unable to seamlessly integrate into society. As robotics develops at an incredible pace over the next decade or so, though, we may get closer to seeing robot companions that fit naturally into our lives. We may never stop relying on human contact, but our comfort zone will definitely expand.

Consider how quickly we already make emotional bonds with our devices. Siri may not be particularly intelligent or helpful — yet — but she/it is a companion of sorts. How far away are true AIs from being something more?

Android companions could take a few different forms. They could be full-fledged, human-like artificial intelligence — but we’re still far from that point. While we have AI bots that are capable of mimicking human personalities, these robot people don’t yet have emotions or memories.

If your loved one is no longer around, wouldn’t it be nice to have a machine or robot that has all of their features? You can, thanks to AI technology. If you could program a robot using photos and videos of your loved one, you would essentially create an exact replica with machine learning algorithms. While it may seem eerie to have a robot that looks like someone from our past, it is comforting that they can never age.

Replica androids are still being developed and improved upon, but their future uses could be endless. In addition to companionship for those who have lost a loved one, these androids could become educators, assistants for disabled people or even animal-like caregivers for pets. AI technology has come so far that it’s clear such a future is not too far off.

Caregiver android can understand emotional cues, they can share emotional information with humans, they can use emotion information to take action. As android become more human-like in their behaviour, we will feel more comfortable interacting with them. This is a big leap toward creating android companions. They could then provide non-judgmental companionship for people that need support but aren’t able or interested in connecting with a human caregiver.

While there’s no guarantee that robots will ever understand emotion, it seems clear that AI can learn emotional triggers. In one study, AI was able to distinguish whether an individual in a photo was happy or sad by recognizing details about facial expressions. The study showed that AI can understand emotional information in human faces — but it wasn’t able to recognize these emotions on its own. So if android can generate emotion, then what if android can understand emotion?

It’s not clear how android can truly connect with humans as our relationships with our fellow man rely on things like eye contact, facial expressions, honesty, and trust; for these reasons, even a robot designed for companionship may have difficulty giving us what we need.

Android’s Love Story

Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

In fact, recent studies show that our future interactions with AI may include developing relationships — including love stories between human and robot. Although it may seem far-fetched today, these possibilities illustrate how close we are getting to making companionship a reality for humans.

What happens when AI falls in love with us? ?Androids have been entertaining, interesting, amusing, and even a bit creepy for quite some time now. The idea of androids having feelings isn’t really all that far-fetched if technology continues to progress at such a rapid pace.

This leads to my questions…

Can android be human like where it’s AI algorithm is adaptable?

Will android have the capabilities to understand the process even the deepest emotions such as love and hate?

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Mika Oka

Sharing her unique perspective on the world as a hearing-impaired autistic person with bipolar disorder despite the challenges.